查看皇冠投注的优先事项 & 倡议
制定战略方向是一回事. 采取必要措施实现这一目标则是另一回事. 这些是皇冠投注确定的优先事项,让皇冠投注超越, 以及皇冠投注制定的让皇冠投注不断前进的举措.
皇冠投注网将开发和加强卓越的项目和经验, 最大限度地提高优秀学生的成绩, 并提供包括学术在内的教育, 社会, 以及未来学习者的职业需求.
计划1.1 .通过创建新的学位选择来扩大获得管家学位的机会, 通路, 和合作伙伴
增加三年制学位课程的数量, 与社区大学的衔接协议, 以及从高中到大学的替代途径. 实施独特的学者队列计划. 重新设想皇冠投注教育生活在皇冠投注的创始使命.
计划1.2、确保课程设置, 教育学, 以及为满足学生不断变化的需求而提供的课程, 他们未来的雇主, 整个社会
确定和实施核心课程的课程和教学创新, 大学课程, 以及研究生的准备和途径. Ensure that 项目 and degrees are continuously aligned to the needs of employers through the integration of relevant curricular or co-curricular components that meet identified, 急需的技能需求.
计划1.3 .扩大和加强推动学生取得成功的实践
Enhance existing and establish new areas of high impact practices and student support services. 加强本科生辅导工作. 创建和实施第一年的约定 & 保留计划.
执行发起人: 教务长兼学术事务副校长布鲁克·巴内特
Student learning is a comprehensive and transformative process that integrates curricular and co-curricular engagement. A holistic learning approach encompasses experiences that contribute to students’ overall development and prioritizes their well-being.
增强学生的校园安全感. 实施与酒精使用有关的干预措施和外联活动, 亲密伴侣暴力, 健康的性行为. 促进和确保获得精神卫生资源. 加强学生运动员的医疗和体能发展.
计划2.2 .增加学生参与的机会
Increase first-year student engagement and opportunities to interact across differences through collaboration with campus partners.
执行发起人: 负责学生事务的副校长Frank E. 罗斯三世和体育副总裁兼主任巴里·科利尔
Changing times require 皇冠投注 to find new ways to pursue our mission of enhancing lives through education, 不受当前现实的束缚, 通过基础设施的设计, 系统, 项目, 和流程,使更灵活的, market-responsive机构.
计划3.1 .不断推进面向未来的教育实践和理念
启动皇冠投注超越转型实验室来识别, design and pilot new models of higher education or initiatives that are poised to help the University realize its strategic vision. 建立教师发展中心 & 成功. 扩展程序开发 & 支持新项目发展的成功资源.
计划3.2—Expand 编程 offerings that serve the needs of non-traditional and online learners
建立结构, 流程, and resources to support greater development and delivery of degree and non-degree 项目 for adult and profession-focused learners. Build the appropriate credit and non-credit program portfolio to meet the stated growth and learner goals for the University.
计划3.3—Contribute to the transformation of higher ed through the creation and support of new mission-aligned organizations
Develop the internal infrastructure to create and support the development of new ventures, 在皇冠投注的内部和外部, 扩大皇冠投注的影响力,推进大学的战略. Develop local and national collaborations that advance the growth of transformative education-related organizations in the state.
执行发起人: Vice President for Strategy and 创新 Melissa Beckwith and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Brooke Barnett
皇冠投注网的教职员工是该机构的核心. 皇冠投注 will attract, develop, and retain high-performing and highly engaged 教师 and 工作人员.
计划4.2—Develop a shared sense of purpose and community and the connection vehicles that drive it
Enhance internal communication and provide opportunities for increased connection within the 皇冠投注 community.
Develop a philosophy of supporting creativity and programming to nurture innovative ideas.
执行发起人: Vice President for University Advancement Jonathan Purvis and Vice President for 艺术, 事件, 和企业管理Aaron Hurt
管家将建立学生的共同责任, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 董事会成员要有意识地采取行动,争取包容和公平的结果.
计划5.吸引和招收/雇用学生, 教职员工来自边缘化和代表性不足的背景和身份
Develop an institutional infrastructure to support a collaborative and coordinated approach to DEI work across the University. 利用DEI清单的结果来通知提高多样性的机会, 股本, 以及整个大学的包容性. 评估皇冠投注的校园环境的多样性. 建立DEI目标和关键指标,以推动结果和衡量成功.
计划5.支持和留住学生, 教职员工来自边缘化和代表性不足的背景和身份
计划5.3—Cultivate connection and a sense of belonging for a diverse body of students, 教师 and 工作人员
加强和扩大对校园社区所有成员的DEI培训. Ensure DEI-related goals are established and included in performance evaluations for division and college leadership. 实施和完善支持无偏见环境的体制结构. 不断评估皇冠投注的环境和措施的有效性. Increase visibility of 皇冠投注’s founding history, DEI stories, and progress toward its DEI efforts.
推进促进多样性、公平和包容的教学和学术.参与 students in learning outside of the classroom that promotes diversity, 股本, and inclusion. 为学生创造机会, 教师, 和员工通过有意义的社区参与来推进DEI.
执行发起人:副总裁兼首席多元化官,Khalilah A. 马布里(沙巴兹),博士.D
皇冠投注网 will enhance its position of institutional strength through the purposeful use of data, 资源最大化, 招生多元化 & 学费模式,以及关键筹款目标的实现.
计划6.1—Build research and business intelligence capabilities to support data-informed decision-making
Capture and categorize the types of current and future decisions facing colleges and divisions. 库存, map, 并确定现有的数据源, 工具集, 以及人力资本资源,以支持基于数据的决策和建模.
完成一个多阶段, 校园用地开发的综合审查和设计过程, 城市空间, 车辆流通和停车, 行人的流动性, 运输, 构建概念图, 实用走廊, 社区连接, 房地产, 校园特色.
计划6.3—Improve key University-wide 流程 to optimize efficiencies, cost, and experience
确定过程改进机会的高影响领域. 参与, 教育, 赋予教职员工权力, 工作人员, 学生们不断地识别和实施有效的操作, 流程和程序.
计划6.4—Implement student enrollment goals and strategies to support FTUG sustainability in light of competitive pressures and demographic realities
建立长期的, sustainable undergraduate pricing model and aid strategy that works with consistent net tuition revenue goals and strengthens 皇冠投注’s financial position. Increase full-time undergraduate multicultural student representation to align with the University mission and increase geographic representation, 国内和国际, 带动更高的市场需求,打造更强大的民族品牌.
计划6.5 .实现皇冠投注 Beyond 2.5亿美元的融资目标
吸引和确保资金以支持指定资本, 奖学金, 编程, 操作, 以及教师支持需求.
执行发起人: 财务和行政副总裁布鲁斯·阿里克
皇冠投注网 has made considerable progress over the past decade in elevating its profile both regionally and nationally. 保持这种势头, 皇冠投注 seeks to further expand the reach and impact of its brand upon a more diverse set of learners, 战略合作伙伴, 和社区.
定义和阐明大学的优势地位. Develop mechanisms to capture data around our key messages and to measure awareness of key messaging and overall brand strength among specified target audiences.
计划7.2—Position 皇冠投注网 as Indianapolis’/Central Indiana’s premier private university
品牌管家大学的社会和企业责任. Position 皇冠投注网 as a critical partner not only in the city’s continuing economic, 教育, and cultural growth but as a key driver in improving the quality of life of Indianapolis’ citizens and visitors.
计划7.3 .进入全国重点大学排名
战略性地进入国家大学范畴 U.S. 新闻与世界报道最好的大学和目标重点专业排名的管家突出. Identify other rankings/indices to build a reputation for new models of education/innovation.
执行发起人: 营销和品牌管理副总裁Sherry Wallace