Education Resource Library
The Education Resource Library, located at South Campus (1000 W. 42nd St), is a self-service branch accessible to all Butler users via front doors during weekday business hours, and to COE faculty, staff, and students only via a Butler ID card-access door when the front doors are locked. A self-checkout machine is available for easy checkouts of Education Resource Library items, and a return bin in the hallway is available for afterhours return of items. The library supports the faculty, staff, and students of the College of Education by providing access to children’s, young adult, curricular, and professional resources nearby to COE offices and classrooms. These resources were shelved in the Education Commons and Curriculum Resource Center areas of Irwin Library’s lower level until 2018, though some education-related resources do remain at Irwin, specifically those supporting the Human Movement & Health Science Education program.
Items available in the Education Resource Library can be searched via the Library’s WorldCat Discovery online catalog (use the Library filter on the left side of the results page to restrict to Education Library items) and are shelved using Library of Congress classification in the following individual collection areas:
- Picture Books
- Biographies
- Chapter Books
- Young Adult Books
- Professional Books
- Textbooks
- Kits
- Reference
- Periodicals
- Audio/Visual
Jenni Burke
Science & Education Librarian
LFH 200B3
For assistance with any checkout problems at the Education Resource Library outside regular business hours, contact Information Commons staff